Jonas Wood Prints

Explore the artistic realm of Jonas Wood, a true master of contemporary printmaking. Ranging from etchings, to lithographs, silkscreens and chine-collé, Wood’s fine art prints are celebrated for their meticulous craftsmanship and stylized aesthetic. Elevate your art collection with the finesse and playfulness of Wood’s limited editions.

Jonas Wood, an American figurative painter born in 1977 in Boston and currently residing in Los Angeles, is celebrated for his distinctively bold, graphic artworks that radiate with vibrant color and simplified forms. Known for his stylized approach to painting, drawing, and printmaking, Wood intricately weaves personal experiences with a rich tapestry of art historical influences. His artwork, marked by a deliberate translation of three-dimensional scenes into flattened, colorful compositions, spans a diverse array of subjects including plants, portraits, interiors, and sports imagery, all unified by his unique visual language. Jonas Wood’s art is characterized by a playful interplay of bright palettes and geometric abstraction, drawing inspiration from luminaries such as David Hockney, Henri Matisse and Alex Katz. This inspiration manifests in his celebrated still lifes and densely patterned depictions of commonplace settings, transforming domestic interiors and landscapes into captivating scenes brimming with life and complexity. His methodical process, which encompasses painting, drawing, print, and collage, involves deconstructing and reassembling photographic imagery, allowing him to explore and dissect visual space with remarkable precision. Throughout his career, Jonas Wood has adeptly balanced working across various scales, maintaining an active engagement with drawing and creating limited edition prints alongside his larger canvases. This multifaceted approach has facilitated a dynamic exploration of form and narrative, positioning him as a significant contemporary voice in American contemporary art. Jonas Wood’s artworks have been showcased in solo exhibitions at prestigious institutions such as the Dallas Museum of Art, Museum Voorlinden in Wassenaar, the Netherlands; and the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, underscoring his impact and the widespread appeal of his artwork.

Auction record: US$6.5m, Christie’s, 2021


Available Prints by Jonas Wood

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