Frank Bowling Prints

Explore the captivating limited edition prints by Frank Bowling, an artist celebrated for his dynamic use of color and texture. These abstract prints, available for sale, offer a vibrant addition for any contemporary art collection.

Frank Bowling, a pivotal figure in the realm of British art, has profoundly shaped the landscape of abstract painting with his dynamic and innovative approach. Born in Guyana in 1936, Bowling’s artistic journey began after relocating to London in the 1950s, where he honed his craft at the Royal College of Art. Throughout his illustrious career, he has emerged as a seminal force in the evolution of abstract painting in Britain, celebrated for his masterful manipulation of color and texture. Frank Bowling‘s artworks are distinguished by their vibrant use of color and a deep exploration into the materiality of paint. He employs an array of techniques, including pouring and dripping, to forge complex, textured surfaces that defy traditional notions of canvas flatness. His paintings incorporate an eclectic mix of materials, such as resin, wax, and pigments, crafting pieces that are not only visually arresting but also richly tactile. Moreover, Frank Bowling‘s oeuvre dialogues with the legacy of abstract expressionism, drawing on the innovative techniques pioneered by painters like Jackson Pollock. Through his pioneering contributions, Bowling has redefined the boundaries of painting, challenging conventional understandings of its form and function. His commitment to experimentation and his engagement with abstract expressionist traditions have cemented his status as a trailblazer in the art world. Frank Bowling‘s significant impact is recognized through solo exhibitions at prestigious institutions, including Tate Britain (London), Haus der Kunst (Munich), Serpentine Gallery (London) and Whitney Museum of American Art (New York). Knighted and honored with distinctions such as Sir Frank Bowling Kt OBE, RA, he continues to work from his studios in London and New York, leaving an indelible mark on the global art scene through his exploration of color, form, and the essence of paint itself.

Auction record: £762k, Sotheby’s, London, 2023

Frank Bowling Prints


Subtotal: 3.400,00 

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