Tracey Emin Prints

Discover the deeply personal and expressive limited edition prints by Tracey Emin, characterized by her unique blend of autobiographical and candid visual storytelling. These prints offer a compelling glimpse into Emin’s exploration of self, emotion, and the human experience.

Tracey Emin is one of the most prominent members of the so-called generation of Young British Artists (YBAs). Since the early ‘90s, she has produced a body of work that encompasses all forms of artistic expression, including printmaking, painting, drawing, embroidery, installation, neon, film and sculpture. Tracey Emin is well known for revealing personal details of her life and for transforming her inner emotional world – personal memories, experiences and feelings – into art that is both intimate yet universal. With brutal honesty and a pinch of underlying humour, Tracey Emin’s highly autobiographical work typically circles around the subjects of love, sex, death, freedom and everyday life. Among her most discussed artworks is the installation “My Bed”, an unmade bed surrounded by personal items (such as cigarette butts, condoms and empty liquor bottles), which she exhibited as nominee for the Turner Prize in 1999. British, born 1963 in Croydon, United Kingdom; based in London, United Kingdom.

Auction record: £2.5m, Christie’s, 2014

Tracey Emin Prints

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